Current Students
Every Day Counts at Pingelly PS with regular attendance highly important in support of your child’s school progress. Students must attend school each day unless unwell due to illness. Attendance is compulsory for all students, K – 6 with regular attendance strongly encouraged. Please note that all instances of vacation that occur inside school terms are classified as unauthorised absences. The school policy is to not provide work for students to complete during their family holidays. Student absences are communicated through our SMS system with parents messaged each morning usually by 9:30am to follow up an unexplained absence. If your child will not be at school, please SMS the school to notify the absence.
Absences can be notified by phone, SMS, email or a written note to the class teacher.
Pingelly PS has a wonderful school uniform that is well supported by our parent community and worn with pride by our students. Uniforms can be purchased, through the P&C , from the front office, or by completing an order form and emailing it to the school.
Contributions & Charges
School Bus Service Information
School Lunches
Lunches can be ordered directly through the Pingelly Village Grocer 9887 0057 Monday-Friday